Monday, January 3, 2011

11 for 2011

I'm going to make a statistical generalization and say that a vast majority of New Year's resolutions wind up in the garbage (or the cookie jar depending on the resolution) by February.  Instead of a resolution or two, I've made a list of goals for this year.  So here are my 11 for 2011:

1.  Secure a commission in the Navy

This is first and foremost.  I've put much thought over the past few months on what my next step in life will be after I graduate university and I've repeatedly arrived here.  I've got a lot of work to do, but I'm ready.

2.  Set monthly fitness goals

While a ridiculous amount of flopped New Year's resolutions are fitness related (gyms and book store featured tables across the country can attest to this), having routine goals is more realistic.  For example, my January goal is 20 minutes of exercise every day (this is in addition to karate).  Furthermore, I've found another running program to work with that I really like, so this is completely doable.  Next month I intend to re-evaluate where I'm at and what I need to do to get better.

3.0  Add some happy hip hop music to my repertoire

Yes, miss classic/hard/gothic rock is actually branching out.  I have slowly come to realize that not all hip-hop is obnoxious and the "happy" variety makes me, well, happy.  It's also great workout music! (For the record I still abhor rap music, just had to put that out there).

3.1  (Because, well, 3.0 needed some more substance.)  Get better at sending greeting cards (i.e. actually do so).

This is a general correspondence goal.  I'd like to start sending actual cards/notes/etc.  Who says my generation is losing touch with "old fashioned" communication?  I intend to fight this gross generalization! 

4.  Tackle an MFA reading list

Okay, start tackling one (most are hellas long).  It's going to be a while before I'm going to be able to go back to school and get another degree, but someday I'd like to consider getting an MFA in creative writing.  In the interim, there's nothing like rounding out my reading to develop my writing skills. 

5.  Go skiing again

I tried skiing for the first time over my Christmas holiday and had a blast.  I intend to hit the slopes again this year. 

6.  Write a blog post a week

While I'm stealing some of my goals from my reinvention list of a few months ago, it's something I want to bring into 2011.  A second part of this is to chronicle my goals as I work towards them.  Writing material!

 7.  Expand my container garden

Last year I cultivated some pepper and cilantro plants, nothing too fancy but it was a success.  As soon as the frost is clear, I intend to start it up again.  I'm looking into what other plants I might add.

8.  Collect my favorite recipes into one cookbook. 

I've mentioned Ree (Pioneer Woman) and her blog a time or two in the past few months.  Someone got the hint and I received her cookbook for Christmas.  I've already found a few recipes that, after rigorous testing (i.e. taste testing!) I will add to the book of life accordingly.  In the mean time, I intend to locate the recipes for my favorite foods.  Many of these are either recipes from my mother, her mother, etc. and recipes that I've happened upon over the years and/or have created (modified) myself.  The bottom line is to have a collection of those tried and true, yummerific foods (it's a technical term). 

9.  Thrift shopping for funky clothes

Again inspired by a blog, this time New Dress A Day, I'd like to hit the estate/garage sales/ flea markets/etc. and try my hand at revamping some old stuff.  This is both friendly to my budget and my personality.

10.  Take some shooting courses

I'm not too shabby at target shooting, but practice never hurt and I'd like to look into some more action oriented courses.  At the very least, if I get to the range more this year I'll be a happy camper.

11.  Karate

I will make my final point in a moment, but before then enjoy this long introduction to my finale!

One thing that scares the living day lights out of me is that my home base will be changing a little over a year from now.  While change is the only constant in life (I really despise that saying, for the record), I have always been a creature of habit who detests said habit to be interrupted.  I'm talking about major stuff such as where I live, where I go to school/work, etc.  I'm the kid who cried at the end of every. single. school year from oh maybe 2nd grade on because I didn't want a new teacher and new classmates.  I feel comfort in what I know (most people do, I suppose).  Well that's all changing again as I shift from student to career woman (that's scary), which in my case will involve a geographic change.  For the record I am bound and determined to get through said change with as few to no emotional breakdowns as possible, I have to grow up sometime... Ahem.

FINALE:  One of my most beloved aspects of my current home base is karate, and I'm going to miss it terribly next year.  I could very well have one of those breakdowns if I think on this too long.  In short, my final goal for 2011 is to (continue to) work as hard (and harder) during the time I have with karate. 

So there it is, my 11 for 2011!  Here's to a great year full of life, love, and growth. 



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