Saturday, January 8, 2011

You are beautiful

Online social media sites can be a great way to interact with the world, keep up to date on the latest and greatest, or simply waste a whole lot of time (I will raise a hand to that).  I'm part of the technology generation and from personal experience, I'm all for online social media; but what happens when people go too far?  

I don't mean the ridiculous amount of time college students such as myself spend procrastinating on Facebook.  I'm talking about when online social media is used in such a way that promotes actual harm to people.  Hopefully you recall the 2006 suicide of St. Louis area native, Megan Meier, after being harassed by the mother of a school friend using a fake MySpace profile; the incident prompted the Megan Meier Cyber Bullying Prevention Act of 2009 though it never became law.  What a horrible situation.  Let me introduce a new piece of work, an individual by the name of Kenneth Tong who uses his Twitter page for, well, I'll let the tweets do the talking. 
" @... I am indeed for real, and my size zero pill works, I serve as thinspiration to Twitter, of which is my stage.
Inner beauty is a myth. You are just fat. You are unloved. People look at you & are pleasant cause they feel sorry for you. Size Zero...
If your beautiful in your own way, am glad you appreciate yourself, cause that plus size garment can't breathe with your fat stretching it.
I do no promote anorexia. I promote managed anorexia. I created the latter term. I defined the latter, I assure you there is a difference.
I wholeheartedly hope I put you off your Dinner. Look at yourself. You are a disgrace. That's why the Guy you like doesn't notice you
@KhloeKardashian We've met a few times, but you'd be perfect as a Size Zero - I've launched a new Size Zero Pill. I'll send it to the shop?  "
Believe me, there was more.  Much more.  I sincerely hope that anyone who reads even these snippets of what this man is purporting would find themselves absolutely outraged.  I am.

While I could very well delve into a lengthy dissemination of just what is wrong with Tong's campaign, there is a broader picture here.  Part of that broader picture is the use of online social media.  As furious as I am with his message, Tong is simply one of the many sources of negative messages out there.  These sources need a way to reach their audience and a vast majority of them utilize online social media (For instance, Tong has nearly 20,000 followers on Twitter; that's 20,000 people who he can instantly access with one nasty Tweet).  But so do thousands of everyday people, such as you and I.  Online social media gives us a vehicle to, in a way, speak to the world.  In our circles of friends on Facebook, our followers on Twitter, and the people we follow all comprise a giant network; we are a part of a global mouthpiece where it is very possibly the things you post on Facebook and Twitter can be read by people all over the world.  Some choose messages of hate, like Tong.  What will you choose to say to the world?  Let's choose love.

I find this to be an appropriate time to bring up the Operation Beautiful campaign.  Check this video out everyone and remember: you are beautiful just the way you are.

All my love,

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