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It didn't end well. |
In short, I planned too many things, procrastinated on about half as many, and took no account whatsoever of the weather forecast. My last huzzah was my mid-break progress report. It's been a week now since. My break fizzled out with a nasty head/body achey cold thing that dragged into this week. Sniffle, I think I'll live. Nah, my real pursuit here is to capstone my break and bid my second to last spring break of my undergraduate career adieu properly.
I did make that list, and I stuck to it; as much as possible.
Yeah yeah, I won't quit my day job. Wait, I don't have a day job. Well I'm hosed.
1. Cooking marathon!
Last episode, in the realm of cooking, I had created a splendiferously (I am amazed that the spell check didn't flag that) Irish meal of pot roast and potato cakes, topped off with a chocolate cheesecake. I am proud to say that I made good on my list of foods to create over the week. In addition to the meal I just described, there were enchiladas (c/o Pioneer Woman, who else?) and an Irish version of chicken pot pie. Naturally I waited until later in the week for any more cooking creations as I was full for a solid three days after the pot roast meal. I'm still eating leftovers, too. Don't judge me, it's what's freezers are for. And microwaves. I'm a college student, what can I say?
2. Vegetable garden! & 3. Compost box!
Sadly my out of doors plans were foiled by the weather. That pesky thing, especially here in St. Louis, it's never dependable. It rained most of the week, which caused my already mud pit of a backyard to turn into a wasteland of quicksand. I seriously can't find my boots I wore out there the previous week. That bad. The gardening/composting activities are on hiatus, hopefully in a more suitable region for now, until my yard becomes walkable again. And I find those boots.
4. Amiga time!
"Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other's gold," is a cute little ditty I learned in Daisy Girl Scouts (it was a dark time in my life). In any event, I enjoy spending time with old and new friends. I had a wonderful movie date with my new friend, Amanda - cheers Amanda! - and spent plenty of time with my gal Lakota (we go way back, her and me). California Pizza kitchen, the recent "Red Riding Hood" film, and shopping was involved. I would say it was a splendid way to relax, indeed.
5. Writing time!
Lastly, yes I did get (some) writing time. Not as much as I'd like, but then again that's one of my own fallacies anyway. I probably couldn't do all the writing I'd want to even if I gave it my 110% because, well, I doubt I'll ever stop writing. Did you see what I did there?
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Do you get my joke? Because your head, it's... it's in a tuba. |
Yeah yeah, I won't quit my day job. Wait, I don't have a day job. Well I'm hosed.
Thus endeth the spectacular week of the spring break and now it's back to the grind. Naturally it's pushing 3 A.M. and I'm still up. Glad to see old habits die hard. Speaking of old habits, I feel another list is in order.
- I am currently 1 (one!) DVD away from owning every movie Michelle Rodriguez has appeared in. I'm cool (or crazy) like that.
- 3 A.M. is, coincidentally, one of those films I own.
- My dad, either through his appreciation of action flicks, or because he knows how much I love a certain aforementioned actress, (or both) took me to see Battle: Los Angeles the last day of break. Great film. I may post more on it at a later date. Suffice it for now to say, I will most likely go back and see it again.
- I recently learned that the plural of colloquium is colloquia. I love words whose plural form is irregular and funky looking. It adds intrigue.
- I recently also learned (finally) how to pronounce colloquium (kuh-low-qwee-uhm).
- I know of about five of my friends who are engaged and will be getting married within the next year. I feel old. ish.
- I have a milestone birthday coming up in less than a month (very excited).
- There is a Princess and the Frog theme in this post.
- I watched Princess and the Frog last week.
- I tried making beignets (it took me forever to find out how to spell that word) once. On a whim. At 11 at night. With Lakota. Without the proper ingredients. It didn't end well. My brother, on the other hand, recently made beignets and they were amazing. What gives?
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