Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Writer (noun) one that is excused for recurrent mental maladies

I write a lot of random words in my trusty sidekick notebook. Some are words I quite honestly haven't heard before. Others are just too amusing to be left alone. I find them in books, in eavesdropped conversations, and in my own house. So I decided to collect some of them and use them in a writing exercise. Said exercise is a throwback to the old grammar school prompt: "write each vocabulary word in a sentence." Sometimes the basics are the best!

1. The woman was in a cathartic mood, much to the chagrin of the study group. Instead of studying for the psychology test, the group had to endure a long story about the woman's deceased cats. 

2. The use of leeches for medicinal purposes is generally considered to be an arcane practice.

3. To prevent the extra guacamole from spoiling, we bagged it into aliquots and put them in the freezer.

4. The man was prone to apoplectic bouts, during which no one in his household cared to be within striking distance.

5. The driver of the blue Civic took umbrage at the driver of the red Camry who caused the accident.

6. The best time to harvest peppers is when they have grown large and supple. This ensures the best flavor.

7. The critic had the audacity to suggest the Tomorrow series is merely a rip off of the American film Red Dawn; I simply wrote him off as a literary ignat*.

*Okay so this one is probable a cheat because ignat technically isn't a word, but we use it quite often in our house. I suppose when I write my own language, it will be an official word *snicker.* Oh well. 

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