Thursday, November 18, 2010

Give Thanks Day 15: College

Today I'm thankful for my education in general, but especially for the ability to go to college.  I've always loved the Nelson Mandela quote "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world."  Maybe it's because I kind of want to kick butt, change the world, something like that.  Maybe it's because Nelson Mandela is a really cool cat.  Maybe it's D all of the above.

Lack of financial support, civil unrest, inadequate clothing, and other devastating factors prevent a large portion of the world's population from accessing even a basic level of education.  I am blessed to not only live in a country where I have a free education at my disposal through high school (okay, so technically it's not free, tax dollars help pay for it, but you get my point) but there's also an incredible amount of support out there for me to continue my education in college.

There are so many people who will only ever only dream of the blessings that I admit I can take for granted at times.  I'm ashamed that I don't always consider this; so often I get sidetracked by things that are rather irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

Nevertheless, today I am truly thankful to be able to go to college.

Despite the fact that I haven't been that great at keeping up with daily posts (okay, I'm awful at it), this Give Thanks series really has helped me keep things in perspective.

7 Days to Thanksgiving!



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