Saturday, November 20, 2010

Give Thanks Day 17: America

I can't in good faith start today off without pointing out that darn elephant again.  He crops up so often, it's not funny anymore.  Not that it ever was... but I digress to more important matters.  Such as that feeling that many of my topics seem generic.  If there's anything I detest, it's being generic.  Plain.  Boring.  Zzzzz.  Point made.  The reason this came to mind was because I feel as if I've chosen yet another generic topic.

Today, I'm thankful for the United States of America.  That statement alone can be thought of as generic, over-used, and for most intents and purposes, meaningless.  It's the a watered down concept of America, which evokes such a generic feeling.  That concept is rife with drinking glasses stamped with the American flag (yet made in China) at the dollar store, cute ceramic cats festooned in flags and stars and (of course) glitter in mail order catalogs, t-shirts and visors and flip flops and, for the love of God, underwear even.  But they all seem to get in the way of what "America" means.

America isn't about the baby bib with its uneven stamp job that says "Proud to be an American" with a "Made in Indonesia" tag on the back.  It's not about the gimcracks and gewgaws.

I'm not saying it's bad to wear a hat or a t-shirt with the American flag on it.  Represent baby!  But know what you represent.  There's more to those stars and stripes than the smudged silk screen imprint or the chipped paint.  There's more to the statement "I'm thankful for the United States of America."

Today I am thankful for the spirit of America.  The spirit that I believe lies in every American's heart.  The spirit that empowers our soldiers, our public defenders, our leaders, and our citizens.  I'm thankful for the true spirit that shines through the commercialism.  I'm thankful for the country that protects the blessings that I have been thankful for by name these past few weeks, and the many many more blessings that I enjoy on a daily basis.

5 days until Turkey Day!



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